Craig Carothers


I wrote my original bio for the web site 2 years ago so I thought I might try to amend it to better fit this venue and I’ll do it without peeking at the old one J


     Who am I today? I am a Coveliano. First and Foremost. Not bullshit, just the way I feel. That was a very important part of my life and had a great deal to do with shaping the person I am today. I did not have a Covell related career. I had, instead, what a classmate, Bob Black, pointed out was a set of serial careers. He also pointed out that that seems to fit a Covell type personality and I have always thanked him for that. While I was jealous that many of you moved from country to country with your job I realized that I chose to stay in one country and move from career to career instead J In all of my careers I have kept ties to the Hispanic community and satisfied that need in that way. I have been a retail salesman, a jeweler, fisheries and wastewater biologist, a high tech manager and now a computer repairman and web designer. I lament that I never made any money but I lament it while I sit on a small yellow kayak a mile out in the Pacific Ocean watching whales up close and fishing for rockfish. I lament it while I wander through the redwood forest in search of even more natural beauty. I lament it while I hug and commune with my two adult children who, along with my wife of 36 years, form the core of my existence.

     I fairly burst with pride that I AM, not was, a Coveliano. Covell, to me, was about inter-culturalism and the lesson that we are all one mankind. That’s probably why I never got a job J but that lesson has served me well. I can fit into virtually any group. Over the last 10 years I have had opportunities to call on old Covell friends and ones I had never met before. I soon learned that the bond between Covelianos is as strong as anything in nature and that is the most important reason to me that Covell must not be allowed to die. Whatever cement brought us together in the first place is of a quality that should be distilled, passed on and built upon. I have had a rather unique opportunity to work with the Callison community also and I can tell you that the Cluster Colleges were not a failure. They were, rather, like many great inventions, an end result that was not what had been expected and so were shelved to await a future use. We can not continue to allow them to collect dust but must now look even harder for their true purpose. Covell is a part of me.

     Probably not what you were looking for in a bio so you may want to read this one instead J