Jorge Verdi

Dear Dr. Robinson and Covelianos,

After 37 years from graduation, I am still active and remain working in the field chosen upon
leaving Covell in 1972; international banking. The working life trip has been an eventful one, as
it has been subject to the significant ups-and-downs inherent to corporate life --as everything else
in life-- In total however, the trip has been a rewarding one. I have been lucky enough so that for
a long time I have considered the Miami-Santiago (or Buenos Aires ... para que nadie se enoje)
distance just as one city with many intermediate stops. I have worked for major global, a few large,
as well as some smaller commercial banks with international operations, having been stationed overseas
a few times; Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the UK. Covell indeed was the initial key which opened the door.

Upon leaving Covell and then married to a Raymond College gal, I had my first working experience with
a San Francisco-based Canadian bank but felt that I needed an MBA. This took me to UC Berkeley &
San Francisco, followed by Thunderbird in Phoenix. Incidentally, the Raymond gal is no longer part of my life.

Creo sin embargo y estoy comenzando a ver donde, cuando y como, puedo dedicar los proximos anos
de mi vida productiva al servicio de otros ya sea a traves de una institucion de beneficencia o en algun rol
docente a nivel universitario ... veremos. Jubilacion? Retirement? ... not contemplated! At my age, I am still
quite active in bycicling, hiking, climbing (when I leave Miami), diving, painting, among other activities.

La unica critica que haria al Covell que conoci sin embargo, seria que aparentemente el potencial real que
la entidad pudo tener no fue explotado a nivel optimo. En mi opinion y debido a la naturaleza de Covell, debio
de haber existido una agenda agresiva de relaciones publicas con entidades tales como el BID, Banco Mundial,
IMF, Opic, multilaterales como CAF, etc., etc. Programas conjuntos con otras universidades de renombre, corporaciones
etc. Quizas esto hubiese magnificado el perfil de Covell, manteniendo la entidad vigente, viable abierta y quizas,
hubiesemos minimizado, los faux-de-pas que estamos experimentando en Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras. Well ...

Saludos a todos y si alguien me recuerda, mejor. All the best.

(Disculpar la falta de acentos en mi Castellano; mi Mac is "acting up")